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WeHealth Joins StartUp Health Community

This fall, WeHealth joined the Startup Health community as a member who is working towards pandemic response solutions.


StartUp Health invests in healthcare organizations focused on improving global health and wellbeing to help speed up innovation and help people worldwide live healthier lives. Since its founding in 2011, the organization has invested in over 370 healthcare companies. 

WeHealth’s vision is to end the threat and burden of infectious diseases. We are on a mission to protect and empower people and communities through safe, private, and anonymous exposure notification technology. Driven by the needs and insights of our global clients and partners, WeHealth innovates at the pace of the disease. WeHealth continuously evaluates and improves the platform and is also investing in expanding to other diseases and new wearable and beacon technologies. 

In writing about Startup Health’s new addition to the community and their investment in WeHealth, the organization wrote

“Sometimes in health, having the right technology isn’t enough. You have to have the wisdom to know how to use it, both now and in planning for the future. COVID taught us that we need contact tracing, but we don’t want to be tracked by the government. We want to use our phones for infection control if it helps us get back to our lives, but we don’t want a tech giant to know our every move. We’re proud to back a company that’s taking those significant ethical challenges head-on, while also creating the tech infrastructure to fight future pandemics.

We also love WeHealth because they were born out of a crowded COVID contact tracing market, and that has made them stronger. They’ve responded to advances in the contact tracing market by doubling down and expanding their vision, defining a new sphere of “effective altruism.” Put another way, WeHealth is nimble enough to take the mistakes being made by the tech giants and quickly adapt. Like how Google and Apple’s well-intentioned approach of working with federal agencies led WeHealth to work with smaller clusters of populations, like senior living homes and universities.”

As a Health Transformer, WeHealth now has access to many resources, including support from a global peer network, connecting us with a network of partners, and helping the organization grow and scale. Additionally, WeHealth now has access to a curated network of investors, customers, and partners through exposure via showcases, Startup Health’s magazine, blog, various social media platforms, and hosted events. 

“We are very excited to join in with StartUp Health. They do an amazing job of bringing together innovators and visionaries who are working to make the world a better place,” said Sameer Halai, CEO & Co-Founder, WeHealth. “We look forward to better serve our customers and communities around the globe.”

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