Using AI for videos in languages other than english

Recent improvements in AI can significantly improve our ability to communicate across language barriers. It now provides not just the ability to speed up translations of the written word, the information can also be made available in audio and video format. This makes it a lot easier to revise content and ensure that everyone is getting the right information at the right time.

Here's a demo of an AI at Wehealth providing recommendations to someone who has just reported testing positive. You can learn more about how this fits in with the overall Wehealth Platform for public health.


Combating Misinformation by Scaling Human Expertise: NACCHO 360 Presentation on AI Safety

Combating Misinformation by Scaling Human Expertise: NACCHO 360 Presentation on AI Safety

At Wehealth, we're committed to revolutionizing public health communication. At this year’s NACCHO 360 conference, in collaboration with our partners...

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WeHealth Joins StartUp Health Community

WeHealth Joins StartUp Health Community

This fall, WeHealth joined the Startup Health community as a member who is working towards pandemic response solutions.

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